
Mysterious Tides #8 - Nilas

A retelling of Mysterious Tides #8 from Callast Nilas Orkan's point of view. On-going GURPS adventures set in the beautiful and evocative Bay of Spirits setting by Randy M. at Roan Studios.

GURPS: Mysterious Tides
Session 008 - Nilas

Of Snakes and Oyster Divers


Cast of Characters:  

Callast Nilas Orkan, Storm Priest of Calla, goddess of the sea (Mike B - myself)

Ragnar Rogan the Ranger:  (Stephen, not present)

Brother Robert D'Nagien of Enibria, Monk (Amergin)

Jens Marko, friend of Nilas's older brother and Captain of the sloop the Kittiwake (Arne)

Carmel:  Female Cleric of Enibria, NPC, joined the group from Piper's Quay. (NPC)

We last left the companions of the Fongs of Fate at a small rocky island in middle bay. Carmel was tending to Ragnar, who was getting over his seasickness on the Kittiwake. Nilas, Brother Robert. and Jens Marko had delved into a rocky blowhole and underwater into a hidden grotto. There they discovered the lost oyster diver, Liam who Nilas was told had a story about sunken treasure. Liam had managed to climb atop a ledge in the underground grotto to hide from a hideous sea hag that tried to kill him. Liam was weak and without food and water for a few days.      

Nilas and his companions had dealt with the sea hag for now, chasing her off with some well placed dart attacks by Brother Robert and an underwater Thunderclap from Nilas. The trio of adventurers made their way past a small rocky ledge/beach area in the grotto, that then led to a deep pool that the sea hag dove into. That then led to yet another cavern with a smaller shallow pool that water spilled over into. Nilas and his friends made their way past that and to a tunnel with rocky stairs and an opening that led up a sheer wall. Having scaled the wall after several attempts, Nilas, Robert and Jens were faced with an unusual looking room.    

The room was filled with some bones, shallow pools of water and a wall with a large oval brass door and it was flanked by decorative serpents carved of stone with a mosaic behind them that showed symbols of the sea, possibly Calla or something else.   

Nilas had reached up to touch the door. He was curious and hopeful that it had something to do with his faith in Calla. When he touched the brass door, the two stone serpents crackled and animated to life and struck out to attack the companions!

Nilas retreated back and pulled his spear out into a defensive position.    One stone snake attacked him and another went after Jens. The trio pulled out their weapons. Brother Robert with a sword and Jens with a hand axe. Nilas would strike several times but never landed a blow as the snakes moved as if they were intelligent. They scuffled around the room for several seconds. Nilas was struck a few times, on his leg, his shoulder, but his armor protected him well enough that the injuries were minor. Brother Robert dispatched the snake attacking him and Nilas and it crumbled to rocks. Nilas was angry and called upon Calla for lightning and as he was about to hurl it at the other snake, Jens managed to dispatch the snake attacking him.  

With the Stone guardian snakes destroyed, Nilas and his friends could catch their breath again. They tried to review the door, find a way to open it. Nilas was getting frustrated and hurled his lightning bolt at the door. It sizzled and sparked, but nothing happened. Looking around the room for keys, catches, latches, hinges, reading the mosaics behind the serpents, nothing was given them a clue. Perhaps it was a tomb they uncovered. Nilas called upon his powers from Calla to Sense Spirits behind the door, but detected nothing. After a bit of frustrating searching, Jens and Nilas thought that maybe Liam may have a clue. Even if he didn't, Nilas felt bad leaving Liam alone where he was. There was no more immediate threat, and Nilas gave Liam his word that they would help him. This tugged at Nilas's sense of honor. During this time, Brother Robert was lost in thought and alcohol, drinking and looking at the door and the snakes; even swaying and hissing at one point. Jens and Nilas climbed down the hole back to the watery caverns. Brother Robert joined later on.   

They group made their way back to the hags pool and the grotto.   Nilas still had his enchanted light source working and kept it moving along with them. There was no sign of the hag and after some work, Jens and Nilas swam over to get to Liam. Jens climbed up to the ledge. The ledge was 'closer' now, as water was filling in the grotto from the tide. This made Nilas think. The room with the oval door had water in it, which means that as the tide rises, it will probably fill all of those rooms.   

Jens managed to get Liam off of the cliff, though it was a struggle and they both took in some water. Brother Robert and Nilas helped them to the rocky shore in the grotto. Jens was weakened a bit, but Liam fell unconscious once again.     

Nilas was thinking now, they had to help Liam, keep their eye open on the Hag and figure out to either open the door or find the sunken treasure in the Hag's pool, or leave and return another day.  

Session Notes

Here is an in-character retelling of the events from our 8th session of the campaign. I offer players bonus points for writing up in-character session logs and Nilas' player, Mike, takes advantage of this. I definitely enjoy the retelling from the point of view of the players! Thanks Mike!

Cast of Characters:

Brother Robert (Bro Bob) D'Nagien, a young Enibrian monk and archer - played by Amergin K
Jens Marko, a young Captain sailing his dory all over the bay - played by Arne J
Callast Nilas Orkan, a young priest of Calla the Storm Goddess - played by Mike B
Ragnar Rocht, avenging ranger - played by Stephen K

and GMJasonGURPS as the DM

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