
Sundered Lands 49

The Sundered Lands of Palladium

Session 49
April 23, 2017

Playtime With Barney and Friends

Tuesday, October 31

Narrow Passages, Thunder Lizards, Chew Toys

Valinya has described a large, deformed lizard just inside the chamber to the right. It had been sleeping but seems to be waking up.

Seeker readies a throwing axe as Arn moves through the tight passage, axe ready to throw. The Dwarf rounds the corner and comes face to face with a tentacle and slime colored lizard easily 3 times as big as Silver, but wingless. When Arn sees the giant lizard, he hurls Thunder Cutter at it.

The giant lizard thunders out an ear splitting roar and now definitely notices Arn. The black tendrils on its back stand up and quiver in the air. Gorg pushes and shoves, trying to get through the tunnel and out to the fight!
Soon everyone squeezes into the large chamber and a difficult battle with not one but two deformed giant lizards ensues. Both Arn and Moonscar find themselves snatched up by the creatures powerful maws and chewed upon for a moment but are able to work themselves free. One of the beasts is put down and the other is enthralled by Valinya, only to have the spell broken in an attempt to end the battle early. More difficult battling ends with the second beast dispatched as well.

Moonscar finds himself quite wounded and Sings to Moon comes toward him, then stops and turns, facing down one of the narrow passages entering the chamber. She starts to growl loudly. Several shouts and shrieks come from that direction.

Moonscar looks at Arn and jests, “Thats the last time I follow your example Uncle!”

Gorg rushes back to retrieve his maul that had been accidentally flung away during the fight.
Arn runs to the K ankoran's side and shouts, “You brave and foolish little guy.....let’s get you to a healer!” Moonscar nods as he chugs a minor Healing potion

Seeker checks the perimeter while others tend to Moonscar and Silver sees movement in the passageway that Sings is growling at

Arn starts to perform first aid on the wounded Druid, but Valinya steps in and uses her magic to expedite the process.  Moonscar muses, “Sis, that's my favorite song!” As Arn and Valinya wrap up with Moonscar, a handful of savage pirates burst from the passageway!

Grabby Pirate Party

Moonscar hurls the tanglefoot bag in my other hand down the hallway and Seeker hears a mournful howl from behind him, prompting him to charge over to where the pirates are coming from. He calls out, "Hold! Or we will dispatch you as easily as we did these brutes!"

The pirates continue to lurch forward and Arn turns to Valinya, “If ye have it in ya lass, O could use a healing boost too”

Silver sees quite a few savage pirates charging down the passage and raises up and blasts flame over the wolf at them and the whole area erupts into a chaotic melee of blades, tentacles, grappling and dragon fire.
Two mutant pirates attempt to grab Sings to Moon, but the wily wolf manages to avoid capture and backs up!

Seeker steps forward, then slashes quickly to defend Sings to Moon with slashes to the pirate's neck twice!

Moonscar plants Sunstroke into the sand an execute a quick flip over the the pile of naughty tentacle wrestlers to reach Sings to Moon.

The degenerate pirates are dispatched quickly and as they fall, the caverns become eerily quiet. A stiff breeze blows through one of the passages and makes an low moaning sound. Distant sounds of water sloshing around can be heard echoing from all around. The sounds of screaming and fighting seem to have subsided again, at least for now.

Cast of Characters: 

+Arne Jamtgaard plays Seeker, a teenage Wolfen Warlord
+Stephen Kolmetz plays Valinya, an Elven Wildsong Mage
+Mike Biancone plays Arn, a surly Dwarven Warrior
+Amergin O'Kai plays Moonscar, the esoteric Kankoran Druid
+Daniel White plays Silver, a young and curious Dragon
+Mike Williams plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and +Jason GURPS as the GM

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