The Sundered Lands of Palladium
Session 41February 5, 2017
Dockside Disagreement
Monday October 30
Good Morning, Essanos
It is about 7am and most of the group is awake. Valinya is still sleeping as is Hrag. The workers can be heard arriving in the other end of the house, preparing for indoor work today.
Seeker comes into the main room of the manor house and brushes a light dusting of snow off his shoulders after his morning run. The snow can be seen coming down lightly but it still isn't sticking to the ground in most places, just melting and causing everything to be slick and slushy. Seeker says, “Morning,” and makes his way to the buffet for breakfast
Fortis replies, “Good Morning. Should we warn the workers about Hrag?”
Seeker says, “ I'll do it.” He takes his coffee and bagel and heads out to the courtyard to look for Red.
Arn eventually wakes up. Begins the day with morning exercise before finding breakfast. And Silver has been up for a while, and wandering around in her Elf form, looking rather bored.
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Valinya |
As everyone is waking up, Valinya wakes and comes out, sleepily looking for some things to eat. She says, “Good morning friends. Ohh, it's snowing again. I love the snow. It looks so pretty.”
Fortis says, “So, we have a number of things we may wish to discuss…”
Valinya adds, “So our campaign of propaganda seemed to work last night. That's good. So what are going to do about Vanthus and this Kraken's Cove place he ran off to. From what we gathered from Rowyn Kellani before she gave us the slip, it sounds like it might be the same place I saw in one of my recent visions.”
Moonscar replies, “That's what I'm thinking too Sis - best lead we've had at least.”
Fortis asks, “Is anyone interested in using Rowyn's hair from her pillowcase to see if we can trace her whereabouts?”
Silver looks puzzled and says, “Don't we want to go deal with Vanthus?”
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Arn Ironfist |
Arn agrees with Silver, “I would think that logically, our path should take us in our pursuit of Vanthus”
Seeker returns from the courtyard and explaining the situation to Red and the work crew. They were a bit shocked but understanding to the situation with Hrag. Red says her crew will leave him alone and stay out of that end of the manor.
Valinya continues, “While that Kellani bitch was, well, a bitch, she is not our main concern, right? We're here to deal with the Shadow Pearls, and if Vanthus may be connected to it, he should be our goal.”
Arn looks up, “I agree. We should hunt him down!”
Moonscar also agrees, “Right - she's a loose end we should remember but won't matter if Essanos Harbor swallows half the coastline!”
Seeker adds, "I think I've got us a ride to Kraken's Cove. Ran into Gorg again last night. And, I'm sorry, but weren't we planning on letting her go anyway? Why pursue her? Seems like a distraction.”
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Moonscar |
Fortis defends his position, “My thought, though I admit it was more of a hunch, was that once free of our immediate pursuit Rowyn might attempt to make her way to Vanthus. Either way, I agree that the Pearl is the primary concern. Do we know how long it will take to reach the cove?”
Seeker snarls, “Does it matter?”
Fortis retorts, “It might, When did Gorg say he was departing?”
Seeker smiles, “In all likelihood, it should not take more than a day or two. I think The Blood Bay was about 60 miles to the west.”
Fortis nods, “Well, are there any tasks to be completed before departure?”
Hey Gorg!
Moonscar gives Fortis a thumbs up at that and there is a loud, banging knock on the door and Fortis immediately assumes the form of Frump as Seeker answers the door. Frump looks disheveled, and almost blurry. Gorg is at the door. He smiles when he sees Seeker again.
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Fortis |
Seeker gives him a high-five. "You're just in time, friend. C'mon in!"
Gorg says "Hey friends. Seeker told me you all were possibly in need to get out of town soon. We might need to move now. "
Seeker says, "Sounds good. We have a fugitive to catch."
Arn concurs, “I think we could be ready to move in the hour.”
Gorg explains, “So you all probably have heard about what's been going on recently. Apparently this gang, the Sea Herpes or something like that, tried to make a play on the harbor. They were the cause of those fires and even killed the Harbormaster the other night!”
Moonscar says playfully, “Nope, we've been snuggled up here doing construction and research”
Fortis makes sure to pack the scrolls he purchased, so that he can study them on the trip.
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Silver |
Silver chuckles, "’Sea Herpes’ I like that, that's funny.”
Moonscar adds, “No canines or dwarves anywhere near those fires!”
Fortis says, “We had heard that, but it is good to know such a dreaded pestilence as sea herpes is being burned out.” Arn snorts at this, smiling.
Gorg continues, “Well, there's all sorts of shit happening out on the water. Lots of groups trying to make power moves. The captain heard that the port is being shut down this morning. He moved the Titan outside the port and has it anchored off the whaling docks outside the city.”
Fortis nods, “That was wise.”
Gorg agrees, “Yea, he doesn't need to get stuck here in the city when there's money to be made and cargo to be delivered! Where is it you need to go again?”
Seeker says, "Smart move. We need to go to Kraken's Cove. About 60 miles up the coast.”
Gorg looks a bit worried, “Kraken's Cove? That's out on the Blood Bay. Hmm. dangerous place, the pirates like to frequent that area, but I'm sure the Cap would help you all out.”
Valinya says, “Well, if the captain and the Titan are waiting, we should go now.”
Fortis moves out of Gorg's line of sight and drops his illusion before returning to the conversation.
Fortis says, “Yes, let us gather what we need and be away.”
Silver looks around at the remains of breakfast, “we have some food for the trip?”
Fortis answers the Dragon, “I have always found the fare on the Tiny Titan quite satisfying, but extra provisions can never hurt, right Valinya?”
Arn asks, “Maybe a quick run to market for provisions”
Moonscar says, “I'll strike camp and let Little Sister know”
Fortis thinks about the items that the group had recently commissioned and decides that they have to wait or leave them to be picked up later. “Some of us have commissioned items in the city that won’t be ready right away, we’ll have to pick them up later.”
Gorg adds, “You can just pay the Captain for anything you eat while on board if you want. We should have everything you need.”
Silver ponders, “Hmm, if we're going before our stuff is ready, we should probably make arrangements for Lavinia or someone to pick them up for us?”
Seeker heads to his quarters and returns in five minutes with his kit packed. He says "I'll take care of that" and heads off deeper into the manor and fills Lavinia in on the new plan. Lavinia is fine with picking up some parcels if the group does not return in the next few days.
Silver says, “Well, since I don't have my usual bag, can someone carry a couple potions for me?”
Moonscar says, “Sure Silver - I have spare pockets on my web”
Silver nods, “Oh, good idea, I can probably attach some pouches to my harness” Silver fiddles with her gear then remembers the others are ready to leave, “I can do this on the ship too, I'm ready whenever”
It doesn't take too long to gather up gear and start heading for the Whaling Docks over in Azure District. Gorg says “I've got a skiff outside, I can pole us back over to Azure”
Seeker thanks Lavinia for the hospitality, then heads out to the skiff and climbs aboard.
Moonscar adds, “See you soon Miss. Thank you for the campsite”
The group makes it to the Whaling Harbor by 9am. The snow has stopped, and it is slightly warmer, but not by much. The sky is heavy with dark grey clouds that seem to almost rest on top of the roofs of Essanos.
While walking, Arn explains to his companions that he purchased an enchanted throwing axe. Its finely balanced, sharp, and penetrates armor. He pleads withthe group, “Please, if you seen me throw it, and in the heat of battle, please recover Karrzark Cuttrum for me.” Then, a group of sailors call out and hail Arn. "Hey look its Arn the Mighty! Can we buy you a drink? We owe you one after last night!" The Dwarf is easily distracted by the offer of free drink and Arn will indeed join in a drink. Arn veers away from the group toward a knot of rough looking sailors that look familiar from the night before. Arn greets the other group of sailors.
The Titan can be seen anchored out in the water beyond the docks. Gorg continues leading the way to the docks. The Ogre says, “Here is our launch. Let's get loaded. Hey where did Arn get off too?”
Fortis says, “Well, we will soon be after Vanthus... are there any discussions we should complete before we face him?”
Seeker crosses his arms and says, “Well, Fortis, remember that talk we had about Mind Control before we went down into the Sea Harpy's lair? And remember how we agreed that we would discuss any uses of the Oath spell before it was used? And remember how as soon as you got out of the lair you tried to use it on the boatmen Jeg and Ferg? I suggest you not let that happen again.”
Fortis retorts, "I remember agreeing to discuss using it against people's will, but not about consensual use. There isn't an ethical issue with consensual use... or in the offering of it as a means to keep from making a stupid mistake"
Seeker snaps back at the Ellyl, "Liar. You agreed to discuss it with us before you tried to use it."
Silver, in young Elf girl form, sighs and gets in the boat.
Fortis sighs, "Interesting, I'm sorry if we view that differently. OK I am discussing it with you now, for future situations where you are not present "and hence an unnecessary burden. Would you like to continue this or shall we concentrate on tracking Vanthus?"
The Wolfen turns and walks back toward the city proper.
After waiting a moment for Seeker to return and respond and, seeing that this is not happening, Fortis continues on, flying towards the Tiny Titan.
Arn has disappeared into some nearby tavern. Gorg and Valinya watch as Seeker and Fortis head off in opposite directions, Seeker back into the city and Fortis out over the water toward the Titan.
Silver looks around pleadingly, “Wait what is going on here? Why aren't we all going?”
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Seeker |
Moonscar goes after Seeker and calls out to him in the Wolfen language, “Brother, we have some butt monkeys to hunt. This really does need to wait a little.” Seeker does not look at Moonscar and just keeps walking back to the east.
Silver looks back and forth at the departing Seeker and Fortis. Silver says, “I'll be back - I can catch up with the ship as long as the sailors won't freak out when I get there. Gorg, you have any new guys that don't know me yet?”
Gorg replies, “No, Silver., It's the same crew that came in with you a few days ago.”
Silver makes to move out of the boat, but then remains there when she sees Seeker walking back with Moonscar. Sings to Moon warbles a bark as she hops down into the launch.
Cast of Characters:
+Arne Jamtgaard plays Seeker, a teenage Wolfen Warlord
+Mike Biancone plays Arn, a surly Dwarven Warrior
+Amergin O'Kai plays Moonscar, the esoteric Kankoran Druid
+Daniel White plays Silver, a young and curious Dragon
+Mike Williams plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and +Jason GURPS as the GM
+Mike Williams plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and +Jason GURPS as the GM
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