Everyone was still for a few moments. The only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the Company. The Gargoyles were destroyed; disintegrated when Remar and Ree broke the Black Mirror at the far end of the room. Everyone carried wounds from the most recent battle and Griffin was nearly unconscious. The light from Draven’s holy symbol is partially blocked as the young Acolyte rests heavily against a wall. Ree’s magical light slowly fades, making the room just a little bit darker.
Griffin sits propped against a wall. He coughs, and struggles for a weak smile. “Well, gotta say I didn’t see that coming.” He looks around the room. “Ree, you <cough> okay? Remar?”
Marcel picks the shards embedded around his neck, his hands, and wipe some fluids accumulating on his hands. It looks like blood, but he is unsure: everything seems to be spinning. He feels like he is in a tiny cell, or a cooking pot. He looks around and hones in on the weak voice of Griffin across the room.
“I’m right here buddy.”, he whispers as he crawls to him. There is enough light to keep his bearings, but not that much more. Others are coughing, moaning. The damages are too extensive, Marcel makes a mess of bandaging, or rather can’t figure out how to do it without causing more harm.
“I always make a mess of thing, Griffin. I always do.”, he starts crying. Griffin is drifting in and out of consciousness.
“Draven!”, he yelps. “Come here if you can… I’m afraid that we’re going to lose Griffin.”
Griffin opens his eyes and wheezes, “Oh, hey, Marcel. Wow, you look terrible.” He rattles. “But we won. *cough* Yea.” He waves his hands feebly in front of him.
Breaking the mirror was a spur-of-the-moment decision. He really just wanted the images he saw in them to go away. Ree yelling into his ear did not really help matters either. But this sort of pain was totally unexpected. Trying to get through the nausea and disorientation he was experiencing, the mage reaches out to his magic in an attempt to try and stem the damage he had suffered. The vertigo appears to be overwhelming. Hearing his name, he replies, “I am okay, I think. It just hurts.”
After catching his breath, Draven stands up straight and holds his glowing holy symbol up high, looking over his friends. He smiles a weak smile and shrugs, “Guess I have a job to do here. I have asked the Immortals for much help this day, let’s see what my hands are good for. Does anyone have any medical supplies?” he asks, then, getting no response, “well, how about any bandages? No? Hmm, I guess I’ll have to get a new shirt when we get back home.” He starts ripping strips of fabric from the cleanest parts of his clothing and starts bandaging up his friends. He makes a quick round among his friends then steps back to look at his handiwork. “Could have done a better job if I had some real bandages I think. I’ll have to call upon the Immortals to stop the bleeding for a few of us.” He lowers his head and speaks some quiet words of prayer over Ree, Remar and himself.
Draven does his best tending to the wounded. |
The Acolyte then spends the next several hours performing first aid on his comrades then himself. All the while, the young man winces and frowns at his skill. “The Immortals are truly divine,” he comments often, usually when wiping someone elses blood from his hands.
Griffin winces as Draven bandages his many wounds. His hand scrabbles in his bag and he pulls out a stoppered vial. “Here, brother, I was saving this for you. Can’t have the healer knocked out, can we? If you or one of the others needs it, it’s yours.”
Draven tries to protest about taking the potion but Griffin convinces him. He unstoppers and drinks the contents of the vial and immediately feels better.
Remar embraces Griffin and thanks him. “That was close. I didn’t know that was going to happen. Sorry.” Looking around, the mage wonders what is left to do now. They got rid of this mirror and whatever hold it had on the island, but does that mean the pixies will now relinquish the hold over what they supposedly stole?
“Ow! Ow! Gently, Remar, gently! I think that Draven’s shirt is the only thing holding me together right now.”
“But hey, you did good, made the right call. You and Ree probably saved us. I know I wasn’t doing much against those monsters.” He pauses. “It was like I wasn’t doing anything at all. They were ridiculously hard to hit, and even when I did it was like it didn’t hurt them at all.” He looks up at the mage. “Could that be some sort of magic? And if so, is there a counter?”
“The question now is what changed when this mirror broke”.
Marcel is thinking about the Pixies, and the elves. Are previous relationships still holding and are the elves still seeking the statue.
“We’re in a bad shape, here. We are also in the middle of the land of feys. I gather that this mirror may have had an effect spanning much beyond this room.”
He scans the room. “I’ll poke my head out of the temple for a minute. Anyone care to join while we find a way to get everyone safe back to shore. And oh yea, what do we do with the statue in the end. My head hurts just thinking about it, and it did before we got hit”.
Griffin says weakly, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, cowboy! No sense goin’ lookin’ for more trouble while we’re as beat up as we are.” He reaches into his bag and pull out some bread and cheese. He helps himself and then passes it to the soldier. “Here, take a load off. Have a bite. That statue isn’t going anywhere.”
“Of course, we could try and decide how we’re going to get it off the island once we DO go up. Snatch and grab? Magumical tricks? Remember I promised I wouldn’t touch it, so I can be a distraction or something…”
“Griffin, my friend. I didn’t mean to steal the glory but scout ahead. You’d do it if you didn’t look like you got dragged behind a horse for a while. Wouldn’t you?”
Griffin groans, “I’m certainly not feeling the need for glory right now, my friend, but I would be up for scouting if the rest of you were ready to back me up. Which we’re not.”
Marcel steps up and pace around the room a bit. “This place is too weird to hold loot, I bet.”, He looks around every nooks and crannies, seeking something of value or, if all else fails, something any weirder than what he has seen so far today.
The fact is that Marcel is worried about Dragons. He has this sinking suspicion that the maps isn’t lying about this. They should not be here. Granted, the chain of even flows nicely and leads to this room: but things aren’t adding up in his narrow mind.
“First the goblins, then the pixies acting out of sorts.”, his mumbling trails off as he tread lightly out of the hall to listen up the shaft where the electric ladder still stands. He pokes it one more time, then listens as carefully as he can.
As Marcel pokes the ladder with his spear, he notices quite a few more sparks than the previous time he had poked it while up above. It seems that maybe the metal ladder has built up another electrical charge. The young warrior ponders this development.
Marcel remembers the marks at the other end of the ladder. He assumes that damaging the runes dissipated the magic. He pokes around to make more sparks and makes his way to the others...
Remar seemed to consider Griffin’s question for a few moments, oblivious to the musings of Marcel, and then answers that he is not quite sure whether or not magic was intrinsic to the creature or if they were merely strong naturally.
Still muttering to himself about this, Remar takes the time to investigate the others for wounds and to determine if there is anyone that requires healing other than himself. Kneeling down next to Ree, he begins reaching for his magic to try and heal her, and then tries to heal himself and Marcel for the most he is capable of. His first attempt with Ree did not seem to work quite well, but he did begin to feel his own pain lessen in intensity and believes he also managed to succeed in healing Marcel. “Better, Marcel?”
Griffin chuckles, then winces, “Hey, Remar, think you could share the love a little this way?”
The Dark Mirror's frame - it looks valuable! |
Chastising himself for forgetting Griffin, Remar slowly makes his way over to him and also tries to help him with his wounds. He feels himself get incredibly tired, but is satisfied by the result of his spellcasting seeming to be successful. He needs rest now; he performed a great deal of magic.
Everyone is feeling much better, though only Draven is back up to full strength, everyone else feels that they can at least keep up. While continuing to rest, the room is searched and nothing of any interest is turned up with the exception of the now empty mirror frame. It is large, heavy and made of gold, encrusted with many sparkling gemstones.
“That looks like it might be a bit difficult to carry with us, even when we climb back up. I do wonder if it could be… subdivided…”
Griffin visibly pales. “Subdiv.. Oh, no no no. Don’t you know what this could be? I’ve heard stories, old tales at my father’s knee. This could very well have been the Cursed Mirror of BluÖyCu. Why, that frame alone could be worth a thousand gold!”
“But you’re right - it would be difficult to carry, even on one of the horses. We may have to leave it here until we can come back for it.”
Cocking an eyebrow at Griffin, Draven reconsiders his words. He was sure that the hardened treasure hunter would be the first to draw a knife and start jimmying precious stones free of the gold filigree. “I’m sure it’ll be safe here. We can gather it upon our return. And you can wear it about your head like the halo of an immortal while we ride back!”
The young rogue looks sideways at the priest, with a half-grin. “You really think my head is that big, Draven?” as he gestures at the empty frame.
Marcel enters the room while the others are discussing about the mirror. He walks to Remar.
“I never thought that I’d ever say this, but I think that I’ll need your magic to lift me up to the upper level. The ladder seems to have regained dangerous magic, I think that I’ll need to discharge it from above again.”
He approaches the frame, raises and eyebrow.
“Well, at least I’ll need your magic just before we decide that we’re good to go again.”
“Hang on, Marcel. Ree, can you help these two out? Combines magic and traps - could be right up your alley.”
Remar looks at Marcel with a very apparent grin. “Right. Let’s get going, then. Should we bring the mirror with us?” He looks over to the mirror and gestures with his hand in an attempt to try and emulate something hovering.
Griffin shook his head sadly. “Alas, my friend, I think it would be a little too unwieldy for us to cart around while we continue our search for Stephan. My hope is that once our mission is complete that we can return and recover it. The wagon will be a good place to store it until we can get back to Kelvin.”
“So, no ideas on how to retrieve the statue? A Zanzibar Marketplace? Maybe a Follow the Lady?” He is met by blank stares. “A Smash and Grab? Seriously?”
Remar does indeed stare blankly at Griffin. “Smash and Grab sounds so rudimentary and uncivilized, though. Why don’t we call it Deep-Sea the Pixies?”
Griffin frowns and shakes his head. “Deep-Sea the Pixies? We don’t have enough people, and where would we find a trained cat down here?”
“Remember, ideally we are already across the lake before the pixies know the statue is gone. The Elves are happy, we get paid and an Elven guide, and the pixies are long behind us.”