
Mysteries of Mystara 009T

Talyn's first person account of the events of Session #9 of the Mysteries of Mystara GURPS campaign. 

Mysteries of Mystara
Session 006T 

From Talyn's Point of View 


"Who puts a tomb on the top floor of a fortress?"

We finally finished this level. After routing the goblin tribe we backtracked to the Dragon door, finally. Some of us wanted to go down the viney gaping maw, but I insisted that we go see what is behind that door. Maybe we would find some stairs down. Putting the key in that door we found a room of a ringing orb that got louder as we approached. It did have a door on the opposite side of the room, but I could never leave shiny things alone, or well anything at all really. So I tried to pick up the orb, but it did some kind of fear magic and most of us ran away. Fortunately we have Lucky who played us a song and we marsheled through. Opening the door leads to a corridor with a trap, sure are a lot of traps around here. This one shot arrows at us, but my trusty shield took care of the problem.I simply charged on through the corridor and then put my shield over the holes, that eventually caused the mechanism to jam and we all went on through the door. We entered another room that had some kind of fancy mosaic on the floor, but on the opposite side of the door it had a wide pit and another room past the pit. The room on the other side of the pit was bathed in a green glow and had some kind of sarcophagus on the far wall. Which lead me to ask who puts a tomb on the top floor of a fortress? Weird architecture they have around here. After a little debate on whether or not we should jump across the pit, it occured to me that we should probably search this room for hidden things, before doing the obvious thing. Hey I'm starting to get the hang of this adventuring stuff, although I might have to start trying to learn how to detect and disarm traps. Searching the room led to a secret door, and I pried it open with my trusty crowbar. That thing may just be my favorite find of all time. Anyway once we got the trap door opened we discovered a small tunnel that we had to crawl through. Which of course leads to the other side. Once in the room with the sarcophagus a shadowy creature quickly fled, I'm glad I did not try to jump over the pit. We discovered the green glow was coming from a torch with a metal handle. It had been burning all this time. We then had a lively discussion on whether or not we should open the sarcophagus, because the thing was sealed with hinges, and I was torn between my curiosity and the desire not to desecrate a tomb. Malachai's insistence won out though and we cracked that sucker open. Only to be confronted with a dragon troll, probably a priest? The holy mace and some fancy moves from Panya quickly put an end to that troll thingy, we did end up dumping it into the pit of spikes. I then climbed down one side of the pit, looted the troll, and then climbed back up the other. After a brief rest we moved back toward the rat area, because I really don't want to leave anything unsearched, got to buy some heavier armor and that is expensive.While heading over to the rat area we did pass through the dragon fountain room and the cold door. Which of course I just had to try and open, discovering that the darn thing was trapped and we had no key to open it. So, we left it. We then proceeded to what looked like a prison area and where the dire rats were living. Which of course caused them to attack. Again Panya put on a wicked display of brawling. Punching, kicking, and even grappling and throwing the rats at each other. We were handling the rats when a giant one came charging down the corridor and crushed poor Erky, our new gnome friend. This monster was quite a handful to deal with and I really had to put some umph into my hits with my broadsword before this thing went down. We were well rewarded for our efforts as the rats had acquired a stash of coins,gems, and other items that we happily looted. We then retreated back to the goblin guard room and took a rest for the night. In the morning we will descend into the hole and see what other abominations we can destroy.

Session Notes

This is an In Character report from our most recent session. Talyn is a young and naïve Celestial that has recently escaped from the Cult of Vanya. He was being trained as a holy avenger but chaffed under the strict training and dogma. Now out wandering the world, the young, glowing warrior tries to fit in with a strange and eclectic group of companions and is slowly growing into the leader he can be.
I award bonus CP to players for doing these write-ups!

Cast of Characters:

Talyn Dilectus Vanyilam, teenage Celestial warrior on the run - played by Don K

and GMJasonGURPS as the DM

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