The Sundered Lands of Palladium
Session 44February 27-March 11, 2017
Welcome to the Blood Bay
Tuesday October 31st
An Early Morning Row
The companions drop their gear and then themselves down into the sturdy rowboat launch of the Tiny Titan. The Titan is about ¼ mile or so from the rocky shore but a narrow beach can be seen behind some tall rock islands jutting out from the water. By Silver’s estimation, the walk from the beach overland to Kraken’s Cove was about a mile or so, though probably more like 3-4 miles to boat around the point and into the Blood Bay.
Seeker gives things some thought. “I think we can get there faster if we head straight to shore and use the overland route Silver found. Rowing and hiking are roughly the same speed, and going all the way around the headland adds several miles to the trip.” He pauses. “The only benefit I can think of for rowing the whole way is that if we then needed the launch, it would be there with us, and not a mile away. So, any objections to a hike?”
“I will take land over water every time if it is reasonable as far as time. Besides, we would be easier to spot rowing in. We can use the terrain as cover to hide our approach.”
Looking around at the group uncomfortably huddled in the launch, Gorg makes an assumption and turns towards land, rowing with a renewed vigor. “I’ll have us there shortly guys.”
As Gorg maneuvers the small craft toward the beach, the sun slowly rises above the far horizon, sending its bright rays out across the active coastal waters. The sky above is still heavy with clouds and this may be the only moments of sunshine all day. The launch rocks and rolls in the tumultuous waves and as they get closer to the shore and the sun rises higher it becomes clear why this area is called Blood Bay. Thick red plants sway back and forth just beneath the foamy waters surface. It appears that the plants are growing everywhere in this general area. The closer the boat gets to the shore, the more trouble Gorg starts experiencing. Aggressive waves begin to pummel the craft and unseen rocks reveal themselves at the last minute.
A light rain starts to fall again as Gorg and Seeker expertly pilot the crowded launch around the dangerous rocks to the sandy shore. Seeker leaps into the cold, frothy water and pulls the boat ashore. Several sea birds, including a familiar gull that swoops down at Moonscar, take flight loudly complaining that their rest has been disturbed. After everyone disembarks, they begin to pull the craft further up the beach to secure it near some rocks.
Suddenly, another kind of rain falls down on the party as numerous rocks fill the sky and crash down on unsuspecting heads. Loud animal screeches follow and all least 10 monkey like creatures leap up from hiding places among the rocks and advance upon the companions.

Gorg steps up next to Moonscar with Tempest in hand, then glances over to Seeker, "Friends of ours?"
Seeker sees the twisted creatures and gives up hope that this can be resolved peacefully. Ai, Wolvenar, they are corruption incarnate! Let us hope that we can end their tortured existences swiftly. He draws Charnag Velve and leaps to the forefront of the party, roaring and hoping to provide a distraction from the more fragile members of the team.
Arn steps up and flings his enchanted mace at one of the mutant monkeys approaching on the left. The running creature tries to dodge the incoming projectile but fails. Olum Kanat Sican crashes into its chest, sending it flying nearly 6 feet back. The mace then reverses its direction and flies back to Arn’s hand. “Take that ya nas…” Arn starts to call out but the words trail off as he realizes that the battered monkey had barely hit the ground before it continued its charge ahead. Silver takes to the air and does a low, swooping pass over the approaching monkeys, hoping to scare them away but her flyby has little to no effect on them. Moonscar eases forward on his rocky perch, holding Sunstroke at the ready in front of him in a defensive position. Sings to Moon eases forward, a deep, low growl coming from inside her. She starts to leap forward but stays at Moonscar’s quiet word. The druid takes a moment to study the approaching animals and does not like what he sees, mostly because he has never seen anything like it before. Valinya eases back a step and begins casting a spell.
With blood curdling screeches, the monkeys continue their charge. Most of the ones on the left side of the field veer off toward Seeker, though the one that was struck by the mace heads in Arn’s direction. One runs forward and leaps up, trying to grab at the Dragon flying overhead and just misses Silver’s tail. The remaining four charge up from the right and leap atop a wide rock, their momentum carrying them forward to the attack.
Seeker finds himself mobbed by savage, ravaging monkey monsters. Two of them cling to his chest while a third one fails to find purchase on his left leg. A fourth monkey is close and charging in. The two beasts grabbing Seeker use their hands, feet, and even some strange tentacle like appendages to really grab on. They are stronger and heavier than Seeker would have guess and their weight really begins to impede his movement.
Arn recovers his mace and starts forward again, lining up the charging foe and hurls his mace at the creature once more.
Arn’s mace smashed once again into the charging monkey, sending it flying back another yard. This time, the broken and battered body hits the sand. It convulses for a moment, lashing out with arms and legs but then falls still, the rain spreading the dark pool of blood forming beneath it.
Seeker ignores the foul creatures crawling over him and calls on his god. He roars “Wolvenar! Aid me!”
Gorg glances over and sees Arn and Silver within reach of Seeker. Assuming they can aid him, and not wanting to leave Moonscar and Valinya unprotected, Gorg steps towards the line of mutant monkeys charging from his right. As they rush towards him he waits for them to come within his extended reach, aiming for the rightmost creature with a level swing that he hopes may knock a few of the others off their stride as well.
Seeing Seeker swarmed with monkey things Valinya floats closer slowly and sings her fearful song over them trying to shoo them beasts away.
It does not seem as if Valinya’s spell has had any affect at all on the attacking troop of monkeys and they carry on with their attack.
Moonscar hops down from his rock and steps toward Valinya, urging Sings to Moon to do the same, hoping to protect the spell casting Valinya. Silver wheels around and gains some altitude so the strange monkeys lose interest in trying to grab her tail.
The two monkeys that are grappling Seeker are joined by two more trying to grab ahold of him. The first two writhe and jerk around erratically trying to bite Seeker in the face with large, black and white fangs. Fortunately only one of them even comes close. The other two monkeys try latching on to Seeker’s legs with chaotic, flailing arms and legs. One of the monkeys comes all the way around to Seeker’s backside but fails to find a good grip.
As the rest of the monkeys approach, the waiting Gorg unleashes his Tempest. The mighty maul lashes out, but the strange monkey manages to hop over the blow. Tempest’s solid head flies right past and crashes into the large rock, sending out a shower of rock shards. The monkeys continue their charge, leaping over the rock and coming right to Gorg.The tiny little creatures leap toward him, hands and feet outstretched to grapple.
A final, lone monkey charges up the middle and leaps to the prow of the boat, careful to stay out of reach of the Ogre’s massive hammer.
Seeker feels the sharp, nasty teeth of the savage monkey bite into his muzzle and tear at the flesh. The bite stings and burns, almost as if it were on fire. The monkey’s breath is horrid on top of that. He feels yellow white pus from the boils on the monkey’s face splatter on his own face, nearly getting into his eye. On the other side of the beach, Gorg finds himself also burdened by a trio of nasty, grabbing monkeys. One clings to his side and two others cling to each one of his legs.
Cast of Characters:
+Arne Jamtgaard plays Seeker, a teenage Wolfen Warlord
+Mike Biancone plays Arn, a surly Dwarven Warrior
+Amergin O'Kai plays Moonscar, the esoteric Kankoran Druid
+Daniel White plays Silver, a young and curious Dragon
+Mike Williams plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and +Jason GURPS as the GM
+Mike Williams plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and +Jason GURPS as the GM