
Sundered Lands 51

The Sundered Lands of Palladium

Session 51
May 7, 2017

Hurting Heads and Hot Dogs

October 31st

Image result for sandy caveAfter their battle with the large lizard beasts, the wounded party spends a moment patching each other up and making sure no one is infected by the strange chaos disease. When the group decides to explore further, they encounter an area that seems to want to crush their brains from the inside out. The quickly retreat and attempt to figure out what sort of mental attack they have been subjected to. Valinya determines that it is not a magical effect and everyone deduces that whatever is behind the door they were moving toward must be important.
Hoping to find a way around, the group scopes out another passage but the sensitive canine noses in the group indicate that the next chamber may be filled with some sort of diseased animal guards. A moment later, some growls confirm that. Valinya check it out and sees two diseased demon dogs chained up and several more dead on the floor. Silver decides to use her fire magic to fill the entire chamber and roast the creatures.

At the same time, Arn decides he is going to charge through the area of mental pain and try to break through the door. A rope is tied around his waist and he charges across the sand. The mental attack begins immediately but he pushes on and smashes through the door. Arn finds himself in a sort of botany lab that seems to have been ransacked. Two small Gnomish feet protrude from under a nearby workbench. Assuming the feet are attached to another of the deceased, Arn ignores them.

Image result for wizard of oz feet
Gorg decides to follow Arn and charges into the darkened area. Not having Arn's magical abilty to see in the dark, he crashes into a nearby wall but manages to find the doorway that Arn went through. Arn and Gorg search around in the brain-pain area. Gorg ends up heading back out while Arn continues down another passageway. The Dwarf eventually finds another chamber and is no longer experiencing the mental assault.

He does find the source of much of the other noise, a room filled with large cages. Some are filled with dead and mutilated bodies while other are filled with raving, mutated people screaming and yelling and trying to break free. In one cage is a teenage boy, seemingly unaffected by the Savage Fever. Numerous dead bodies lay around him in the cage. Arn threatens the savage prisoners and quickly releases the boy, who is weak and starving and does not speak much of the Eastern tongue.

Image result for t rex skull
In the other area of the cavern, the rest of the group sifts through the burnt up kennel room and pass it to a chamber on the other side. This sandy floored cavern seems to be some sort of trophy hall. The centerpiece of the displays is an enormous reptilian skull, nearly 8 feet long, mounted on a wooden display. Other trophies line the walls, nameplates from ships, battered sea chests, mounted heads of sea monsters, and weathered figure heads, each doubtless carrying a sordid history of theft and betrayal.

Seeker’s eye is drawn to a barnacle encrusted mast of wood with letters badly eroded by a great deal of time spent below the waves. The only legible letters read “T...M...AUT” and make him think of clouded, deep-sea memories from long ago.

Image result for barnacle encrusted plankA passage leading to the west seems to connect up to where Arn has rescued the boy and the group reforms. Another passageway leads the opposite direction out of the trophy room. The party pauses for a moment before continuing on.

Cast of Characters: 

Arne J plays Seeker, a teenage Wolfen Warlord
Stephen K plays Valinya, an Elven Wildsong Mage
Mike B plays Arn, a surly Dwarven Warrior
Amergin O'K plays Moonscar, the esoteric Kankoran Druid
Daniel W plays Silver, a young and curious Dragon
Mike W plays Gorgukk Torgnaz, an Ogre sailor and mauler
and Jason GURPS as the GM

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