Behind him, Griffin hears Marcel yell to watch out behind him, “Goblin on fire!”, his friend warns! Griffin sees Marcel coming up from around the rock from the same direction he had come from. Obviously his companion had not heeded his suggestion to go check out the cave opening but followed him instead.
Marcel and Griffin face off with a Hellhound |
Okay, let’s give this new sword a tryout. Griffin spins and takes a strong swing at the beast. The creature seems unprepared for the rogue’s ferocity, and his blow strikes deeply into its back.
The fiery hound yelps loudly and reels back from the force of Griffin’s strike. A glowing red wound is visible across it’s back, left flank and chest.
Wow, the edge on this blade is amazing. I wonder how the point is? Griffin aims a powerful thrust at the creature’s underbelly, hoping to down it quickly. The hell-hound staggers as it tries to evade the blow, and Griffin’s new sword strikes home.
Marcel moves up next to Griffin as he pulls his blade back from the underbelly of the hellhound. The creature howls a frightening wail as it falls over onto its side, unmoving. The flames on its back dim but continue burning. A greenish-black smoke pours from its open mouth.
Marcel’s eyes go wide and the hair on Griffin’s neck stand up as another, then another howl starts up, coming from right behind them! Two more hellhounds have revealed themselves. One is coming up from around the other side of the rock outcropping and the other has padded up from the path that Marcel and Griffin first arrived on.
Griffin moves to put his back to the outcropping, trying to avoid getting flanked. “Marcel!” he barks, “Two on one! Let’s see if we can finish this one before the next one gets here!”
"Too late, friend. It's already here," Marcel calls out.
“Let’s gain high ground!” Marcel instructs Griffin as he swerves on his left of the outcropping to meet with the flaming goblin to give Griffin a chance to take stock of the degrading situation.
Marcel and Griffin move over toward the rocky outcropping in hopes of gaining some higher ground and giving them something solid at their back. Both men watch as the two remaining hellhounds approach slowly. The beast’s glowing red eyes never blink or look away as they approach.
The hound approaching Griffin gets into position first and takes a huff and belches out a mouthful of flame that shoots directly toward Griffin!
Griffin tries to duck behind his shield, but the beast’s fire flows around the edges. The young warrior smells burning hair. “Oh, you did not just do that!” Despite the pain, he lashes out with his sword, giving back as good as he took.
The hellhound leaps at Griffin, trying to grapple his arm in its fiery jaws, but the rogue ducks behind his shield, then slashes swiftly back. They both maneuver, looking for an opening. He attacks several times, but does not appear to be harming the foul beast.
Suddenly, the beast charges! Griffin hears a satisfying yelp as he smacks the beast’s charge aside with his sword, then leaps back in with a thrust to the underbelly while it tries to recover.
Griffin’s steel is too much for the fiery beast to handle and the creature slumps to the ground, unmoving, its back and tail still burning, but the dark flames greatly diminished.
The young man wipes the soot from his brow, then smiles and turns to aid his comrade. Hopefully I can arrive before things get too hot! He grins at his wit as he charges across the rough ground.
While Griffin engages one Hellhound on his side of the rocky outcropping, Marcel finds himself in a hot spot as well as the beast approaching him stops about 5 yards short and lets out a blast of fiery breath directly at him!
Marcel blocks the fire with his shield and approaches the beast with a steady foot. “You…. burning bark will not deter.”, he exclaims. Examining the approaching foe and positioning for an old-fashioned dual attack.
The creature does not retreat as Marcel approaches and snaps its large, flaming mouth at his lead leg but Marcel skillfully blocks the attack, causing the Hellhound to pivot away from him. Marcel then swings his shield down at the Hellhound followed swiftly by a thrust of his spear. The fiend tries to get out of the way but manages to take both attacks fully and lets out a pained wail as it retreats again and blasts another mouthful of flame directly at Marcel.
Marcel is able to keep his shield between himself and the flame, though some of reddish-orange flames lick around the edge of his shield, trying to get him. He steps up, keeping the shield ready, and attacks the Hellhound using his traditional dual attack. The Hellhound tries to hop back out of range, but it is slowed due to its previous wounds and Marcel lands two solid blows, sending the beast to the ground. It rolls over on its side and stops moving. The flames running down its back and tail flicker and then go out.
To the Rescue
Back at the campsite… As everyone thinks about the implications of what Draven has just said, an unsettling howling wail echoes off the nearby hillsides. It sounds fairly close and most definitely dangerous.
“Merciful Gods,” breaths Draven under his breath. “Ree, Remar, Burik, to me! Gear up and let’s go see what trouble we’ve got for ourselves.” To Stephan and Iris he adds “Keep the boys here with you, keep a perimeter and we’ll be back before you know it.”
Stopping only to gather mace and shield, and to ensure his holy symbol is shining bright against his dark, travel-worn mail, he waits at the perimeter for the others to join him before heading off in the direction of the wolfen howls. I’ve dispatched plenty of wolves on this journey. They’re not so tough. And by the gods, this time I’m getting a cloak out of it!
In a small act of opposition, Ree states that she will stay with Stephan and help watch the camp. Draven considers arguing but lets it go for later. He leads the other members of the Grey Company along the rocky ravine that Griffin and Marcel left by a short while earlier.
“Keep close, and keep your ears open. It was only the sound of a wolf howling that alerted us in the first place.” He scans ahead, looking for some sign of where his compatriots might be.
Another mournful wail fills the immediate area as Draven and the others search for their friends. Draven spots a dark cave opening up above on a wide ledge and can hear the sounds of battle coming from up there. A few orange-red flashes of light indicate potentially serious trouble for his friends.
“Their horses!” Burik cries out and points further along. Both horses are standing nervously near a steep slope that looks as if it might lead up toward the cave opening. Draven figures it will take several minutes to climb up the slope.
As if reading his mind, Remar calls to Draven, “I can get you up there quickly, come here.” The young Mage motions for Draven to approach him.
“I do hope you know what you’re doing,” he says briefly before giving in to Remar’s suggestion. “Everyone else can come up immediately after, if your plan allows for it?”
Remar smiles and nods his head toward the ledge up above where the sounds of battle are coming from. “Just get up there, someone may be hurt! We’ll go up that way,” pointing to the rocky slope that Griffin and Marcel must have taken.
Confused, Draven begins to protest, then realizes that he is no longer sitting in the saddle of his horse, but floating in the air just a few feet above it. “Oh,” he says sheepishly before turning his head upward toward the edge of the cliff above. As soon as he thinks it, the young cleric begins rising, faster and faster toward his destination.
The Cave on Hellhound Cliff
Draven crests the top of the rocky cliff and sees his two companions engaged individually with what can only be Hellhounds, infernal beasts in the shape of large dogs with the flames of Hell running down the length of their backs. Both Hellhounds fall to the ground nearly simultaneously and Draven spots a third downed beast nearby.
The Company defeats all the Hellhounds... or do they? |
Griffin’s clothes and armor show signs of some serious burning and areas of his exposed flesh are burnt and blistered. Draven can see the gaping mouth of a cave on the other side of the ledge, past a large rocky outcropping that juts up out of the middle of the ledge. The young Thyatian, Griffin, leans heavily against the rock.
“Whee-ooo!” He looks up at Draven, “Oh, hey, Brother. Um, are you flying? Cool!” He looks over at the battlefield. “We found a bit of trouble. Would have been unfortunate if they’d gotten a chance to attack the camp.” He waves at the corpses. “Nasty pieces of work.” He pauses to think, “but their coats might bring in a tidy penny…”
Two of the Hellhounds lie there, occasionally twitching, the fire that runs along their backs still burning, though very minimally. The third hound, the one that Marcel had dispatched, lays completely motionless. The infernal fire along its back just a smouldering and smoking ridge. After another moment, the entire creature begins to hiss and smoke. The Hellhound’s skin begins to burn away as if being covered with acid or an invisible fire, smashing everyone’s hopes of a fancy new Hellhound mantle. The sharp, acrid stench coming off the corpse forces everyone back a few steps.
“Bravely done, but stand clear of the effluvia,” suggests Draven. “Hellhounds are not made of the same stuff and you or I, but of some manner of bastardized elemental fire. You’ve dispatched the demon imp that possessed it back to hell, but we need to keep our eyes out for whoever, or whatever, summoned it. Might be someone allied with a foul god of darkness, or it might be another demon. Stay sharp!”
As if to punctuate Draven’s statement, a low rumble is barely heard, more felt, and a billow of foul, brownish almost black smoke comes billowing out of the cave mouth. After a moment, the smoke clears and the quiet of the dusky hills resumes.
Burik appears around the the corner, having just climbed up the rocky slope that Marcel and Griffin initially clambered up. He seems tired and out of breath. “The mage, Remar, stayed, with the, horses. That was, a tough, climb,” he manages to spit out.
He starts making his way around to where the others have gathered near the ledge. The young Traladaran steps aside and gives the first fallen hellhound a wide berth as it sizzles and smokes. In his attempt to stay away from the beast, he ventures too close to the open cave mouth. Before anyone can even shout a warning to him, two red eyes materialize out of the darkness then dart forward, revealing a fourth, considerably larger Hellhound. The beast slams into Burik’s back as it latches on to his shoulder and neck with a wide, fiery maw. Burik falls to the ground under the weight of the beast. Blood sprays out, looking black in the fading light.
Time to save Burik! |
Burik, you've been bitten by a Hellound! |
The three companions quickly jump to ready positions, bringing their weapons and shields to the ready. As Marcel brings his shield up in an attempt to shed some more light in the direction of the beast, the divine light flickers then fades to darkness. Burik cries out in pain as the Hellhound begins dragging him back into the cave.