

Wandered Roads 44

Wandered Roads of Varisia
Session 44
October 17, 2015

Campaign Timeline

Dwarf Knuckle vs Moose Plate! Kapow!

Wealday 10th Neth

The Grand Ballroom

After the exhausting battle against the sorcerous Sinspawn and her demonic deputies, the Heroes head down the side passage out of the chamber instead of the stairs that the demons all approached from. The hallway hooks around to the right and makes its way back to a cavernous hallway made of marble and decorated with expensive finery. The room was full of people wearing masks and enjoying a spirited party. A full orchestra sits on a stage at the far end of the room and none other than Runelord Sorshen, scantily dressed, sits on a ruby throne directly in front of the musicians facing the ballroom. As soon the Heroes enter the room, Sorshen rises from her seat and signals for everyone to stop. She addresses the Heroes and then instructs her partygoers to attack and kill the “cold and bloodless” intruders.

The crowd surges forward but as soon as it reaches the Heroes’ position, they all disappear, including Runelord Sorshen. It was apparently all an elaborate illusion. The room is now empty, though still quite grand. The group spends a few moments searching the room and find that a doorway at the top of a balcony to the east leads to the stairs that connect with the previous chamber they had been in. Vexeron’s magical sight detects only one other exit from this room, past where the illusory Runelord’s throne had been.

The next room is an eight sided chamber with a colorful mosaic pattern of snakes and disembodied arms on the walls, floors and ceiling. Vexeron and Daellin sense some sort of magical energy in the room, but cannot figure out exactly what it is. The party moves to the stout oaken door at the far side of the room and prepares to enter.

More Maidens to Dance With

As they enter, they realize that some enemies were alerted and waiting for them on the other side as several Grey Maidens leap out and attack. The Heroes struggle with the Maidens, falling prey to their magical commanding powers granted by their helmets. Daellin, Ehlyna and Samad are all compelled to drop their weapons at various times during the encounter. Vexeron attempts to even the odds by using some of his movement hindering Glue magic.

The Heroes spread out into the room, engaging their foes with whatever weapons they have ready. Daellin loses control of each of his weapons: his sword Maellos, two knives and his bow. He has to rely on his magic to keep himself safe from Maiden attacks. Likewise, Ehlyna ends up with all three of her axes on the floor nearby. Undeterred, she presses her attack, using nothing but her fists, feet and forehead to assail her opponents. Her armored foe fights back, but Ehlyna gets the upper hand by punching her directly in the groin, knocking her unconscious despite the plate armor covering her delicate parts. “Dwarf Knuckle vs Moose Plate!” Ehlyna cries as she turns and looks for her next opponent.

Session Photos

The Grey Maidens spring an ambush!

The Heroes of Sandpoint are always ready for trouble!

The battle is joined.

The Heroes quickly enter the room, hoping to gain an advantageous position.

The battle spreads out around a large spiral stone staircase.

The Maidens start going down.

Session Notes

This was only a half session, but still a good one. We spent the other half of the session creating characters for our upcoming GURPS: Star Wars campaign. A blog post on that should be forthcoming!

Characters Present:

Kallin Hawkril, Half-Orc shaman and budding Priest of Pharasma - played by +Daniel Ernst
Calina - Varisian Human archer and scout - played by +Carol Coburn
Daellin Silvanthalas, Elven Farstrider Ranger - played by +Ben Lipe
Vexeron, Human wizard - played by Don K
Ehlyna Fuzziface - Dwarven Warrior - played by +Jodi H
Samad Aldhul, Human ex-mercenary - played by +JeCorey Holder
and +Jason Woollard as the DM


Grand Duchy 70

Grand Duchy of Adventure
Session 70
October 22, 2015

Battle at the Bridge, part II

Tserdain 20 Yarthmont

The Battle at the Bridge Rages On!

Undaunted by the presence of a giant war boar, Draven moves forward as the porcine behemoth wheels around for another charge. Draven smashes the beast's hindquarters as it passes, which only enrages it further. The boar slows and turns, then lurches forward, trying to gore Draven and trample him under hoof. The young priest is able to bring his shield to bear just in time to save himself, speaking quiet prayers as the boar's long, sharp tusks rip through his battered wooden shield. Stephan deals with some Gnolls nearby as Remar manuevers his horse to stay in position to best use his magical bolts in support of his companions.

Iris and Ree are in for a big surprise as an Ogre reveals himself on the far side of the river, flinging skull sized rocks in their direction. Iris loses consciousness and Ree begins dragging her body back up the trail, trying to get her out of range from the Ogre rock tosser and Gnoll archer that are trying to pick them off from the far bank. Marcel and Griffin finish off the two Gnolls they were dealing with and quickly move toward their pinned down friends. Marcel charges straight down the rocky embankment, making a beeline for the bridge and the Ogre while Griffin is called over by Ree, who has started casting a spell. As Marcel reaches the bridge, Ree smacks Griffin on the shoulder and yells, "Fly you fool!" 

Suddenly Griffin feels weightless and he leaps into the sky, flying up and over the raging mountain stream. Marcel rushes out onto the stone bridge, taunting the Ogre and managing to make him mad enough to abandon his ranged attacks and draw a huge knobbed club. 

Griffin takes aim and shoots at the Gnoll archer, hoping to take out one of the ranged combatants while Marcel faces down the charging Ogre. As the Ogre approaches the bridge, Marcel yells at him, trying to scare him into leaping into the rushing river. The Ogre just roars and leaps down onto the slippery stone bridge but manages to loose his footing, slip and plunge right into the water!

Just then, several more Gnolls appear from the west, another group that had apparently moves up stealthily on this side of the river. Four Gnolls advance with spears, moving from cover to cover and throwing their projectiles when they had good shots. A fifth Gnoll was with them, a huge Gnoll, nearly the size of the Ogre they had just faced. This Gnoll carries a huge battle axe in one hand and quickly moves to engage Marcel. Griffin harries the other Gnolls and tries to help his companion against this monstrous foe.

Eventually, Draven and Remar manage to finish off the Boar with several well placed mace strikes and magical bolt blasts. Stephan also drives off the remaining Gnoll on the near side of the river. Draven charges to assist the battle across the river by throwing a massive Sunbolt that strikes the Gnoll leader while Stephan and Remar try to gather up the scattering horses in hopes of getting them across the river before the main force of Gnolls arrives within the next few minutes.

Griffin and Marcel battle the Gnoll leader and his spearmen with some ranged support from Draven across the river until finally they are defeated, either killed or run off. During the battle, Marcel sustained some heavy wounds from the Gnoll leaders axe and falls to his knees, barely able to hold on to his own consciousness.

Cast of Characters: 

Garrett "Griffin" Constantine, a Thyatian rogue of a gambler from Penhaligon rolled by +Arne Jamtgaard 

Marcel Maasa homely but sincere wielder of spears aspiring to cooking greatness commanded by +Christian Blouin 

Draven Rickart, a Thyatian Acolyte of the Church of Karameikos ministered by +Jason Packer 

Iris Vardaa Thyatian explorer and historian searching for answers and adventure guided by +Alex Safatli 

and +Jason Woollard as The DM